Hexawise recent updates

Hexawise recent updates

June 7, 2013
Export UI glitch

The email and download buttons would not enable correctly if no other format type was selected and the mind map format (OPML or image) was selected directly rather than by picking the mind map checkbox first.

Given most ways you'd likely develop a test plan for this dialog, this counts as a rare 3-way defect found in production. Thanks to Scott for his eagle-eye in spotting this and generosity in reporting it.

Invalid pairs in your test cases that exist to satisfy requirements

There was an interaction between invalid pairs and requirements that effected some plans and could cause an invalidated pair to still appear in initial test cases that were satisfying created requirements.

This has been resolved. Thanks to Fabio for noticing and reporting the error.

Emailing two mind map image exports each time it's requested

Thanks to Scott for reporting this.

Import and export of auto-script definitions

There were cases where the exported auto-script definition would not be able to be imported. These cases were cleaned up.

Example Excel input file

The example Excel input file is now much more comprehensive including sheets for everything that can be imported.

Parameter order changes did not clear the generated test cache

If the only thing you changed in your test plan was the parameter order, the prior generated tests were held onto and would be displayed with mismatched column headers. The computed test cache is now cleared when you reorder parameters.

Thanks to Scott for letting us know.

% in requirement value

There were issues saving requirements where the required value contained a % sign.

Moving parameters at the boundaries

Moving the top parameter "up" in the parameter order, or the bottom parameter "down" in the parameter order would cause the parameter to disappear until a page refresh. The parameter now "wraps" to the opposite side.

Thanks to Manas for reporting the bug.

Value expansion achievement

In some circumstances the "Create your 3rd value expansion" achievement would not be awarded.

Thanks to "Hexawise Guru" Del for raising the issue to our attention.

May 29, 2013
Failed invalid pair creation, should have been disallowed

There was a rare case where invalid pair creation should have been disallowed with an informative message and was instead failing with an error.

Spurious requirement deletion warning

They were some cases where Hexawise would warn you about a change effecting a requirement when adding some parameter values. The warning was unfounded and was caused by different types of line terminators on the values.

Line termination (LF, CR, CR+LF, LF+CR, etc.) is an interesting thing to include in your test plans in some cases!

Failed Excel exports

There was a sequence of events with expected results, requirements and auto-scripts that could result in exporting to Excel failing in some particular cases.

May 28, 2013
Blank auto-script steps are now included in HP QC exports if they include an expected result

In the past blank Auto-Script steps were excluded from the auto-script, but now they are included if they include expected results that apply to that test case.

May 27, 2013
Streamlined achievements interface

The "Your Achievements" screen is now streamlined and more clear about your next action to level up.

May 26, 2013
Auto-Script preview when the parameter name includes certain characters

The preview would not function properly in some cases.

Blank auto-script steps are now included in Excel exports if they include an expected result

In the past blank auto-script steps were excluded from the auto-script, but now they are included if they include expected results that apply to that test case.

Share a project copy via a URL wording is more clear

The wording in the sharing dialog for projects is now more clear about the option to share a copy of a project via a URL.

May 22, 2013
Hung auto-script page on some plans

Some unescaped characters were causing the auto-script page to hang on some plans. This has been resolved.

IE7 Operation Aborted error for some users on login

Some users were getting an "Operation aborted" error from the IE7 browser immediately after loggin in.

Thanks to Darpan for reporting the issue.

May 21, 2013
Auto-Script save or lose changes dialog wasn't functioning for some cases

Thanks again to master tester Pratibha for reporting this one.

Auto-Script expected results would not appear in certain cases where they applied

Thanks to Pratibha for discovering and reporting the issue.

Couldn't select 0 as the parameter value of a requirement

0 was used as the value for blank so this prevented you from selecting a parameter value that happened to actually be 0.

Thanks to Steve and Rasaiya for reporting the issue.

May 20, 2013
Tooltips on the actions in the requirements interface

The main actions in the requirements interface, edit, delete, save and cancel now have tooltips to go with their icons to make the action more obvious.

There was no new step and add step link after initial save of step 1 in Auto-Scripts

Another classic pair-wise defect, it had to be the first step, and it had to be the initial save for the defect to be triggered.

Thanks to Pratibha again for discovering and reporting the issue.

Auto-Scripts preview would disappear after it was collapsed in some plans

This is now fixed. Thanks to Fabio for reporting the issue.