Hexawise recent updates

Hexawise recent updates

December 6, 2012
Export link at bottom of large amount of tests

An extra export link appears at the bottom of the list of tests when you generate more than 300 tests, this extra link was not working.

November 20, 2012
Styling consistency in Auto-Scripts

Auto-scripts page now more closely follows the style of the rest of Hexawise.

Re-use value expansion between plans

There is now a drop-down of value expansions you've used in all your other plans so you can easily reuse them.

Don't lose your work on login timeout anymore!

In case your Hexawise session times out, we used to take you back to the login page. This is no good if you have a bunch of unsaved edits in progress. Instead now we show you a login dialog and once you log back in you pick right back up editing where you left off.

Different highlights for married and invalid pairs

Married pairs get green and invalid pairs get red hover highlighting.

October 25, 2012
Advanced toggle in navigation menu

Congratulations! Everyone is advanced! That's just how you all roll.

Usability of editing requirements

Save and cancel icons stay put when editing a requirement until you are done (they used to be visible only on hover).

October 19, 2012
Requirements and expected results in Tests tab of Excel export

These are now broken out into separate columns.

Smarter about which parameters are selected as explanatory examples

Parameters with just 1 value are no longer used in the strength interaction explanation dialog since they just confuse the explanation with their 1 value.

Moved Expected Results in the navigation

We decided it's more sensible after create tests.

October 4, 2012
Replaced floppy disk save icon with a check mark in Requirements tab

1994 called and they wanted their icon back.

No "any value" markers for parameters with just 1 value

Hexawise uses purple italics in UI's and exports to signify that the value in the generated test can be substituted with any other value. It doesn't make sense to show this on for parameter values that are the only value of that parameter.

Plan names with certain special characters show up garbled in the define inputs panel header bar

They now show up properly.

Excel import with blank rows in the Requirements and Value Expansions sheets

Extra blank rows in these sheets would cause an import failure.

Erroneous value pair deletion warning

Certain unusual cases of parameter names would confuse the validator and cause a spurious warning that value pairs would be deleted if the requested edit of the parameters took place. Allowing the edit would not delete the value pairs, but the warning was incorrect. This has been fixed.

Wide parameter and value names can obscure the delete icon in the value pair list

Extra wide parameter or value names, usually caused by lots of wide capital letters, would cause the value pair display to be wide enough to push the delete icon out of view in the value pair list. It no longer does this.

September 29, 2012
More 'no possible values' than was warranted

This only affected tests cases with more than one any possible value (marked by purple italics) where those same values were involved in value pair rules. The algorithm that ensured that selected values replacing any values did not violate value pair rules was a one-pass algorithm, so it was not able to adjust other any value replacements, if those values were the cause of there being 'no possible value' that could be used. The algorithm now takes multiple passes, each pass with variability in the order it attempts to replace values, to ensure if there is a set of any value replacements that can work, it will be found.

Thanks to many users for pointing this issue out over the last few months, but special thanks to Cortney for identifying and isolating a clean cut case that led us to a definitive fix.

September 28, 2012
Clearing prompt text when inserting a parameter into a blank step

Before this action did not clear the prompt text. Now it does.

Auto-Script User interactions

Many additional, subtle improvements to the Auto-Scripts UI around step re-ordering, handling of the scroll position when adding steps, and auto-advancing the next parameter to be inserted.

Auto-Script step gaps

There were some rare corner cases that would result in gaps in step number ordering or having a 'Step 0'. These have been resolved.

September 26, 2012
Compute higher-strength tests when you have requirements

The presence of requirements no longer limits you to computing just 2-way tests.

Show requirements as satisfied in the Create Tests screen

You'll now see an indication that a requirement is satisfied by a test case in the Create Tests screen, not just in exports.

Over-applied Expected Results

In some cases of any's, and nones and compound expected results, the expected result would be applied when it shouldn't be. This was not the expected result.

September 25, 2012
Reworked Auto-Scripts UI interaction

Considerable improvements and fixes in how defining auto-scripts works, particularly in the area of fast and efficient defaults and keyboard handling.

Issue with ranged values and expected results and requirements

A classic pair-wise defect only triggered by the interaction of ranged values (a rarely used feature) and expected results or requirements that included that value (an advanced feature).