Hexawise recent updates

Hexawise recent updates

July 28, 2012
"Hide this message" link not working in mixed-strength header

You should be able to hide the explanatory header for mixed-strength tests but it was not working.

Expected Results parameter value bolding

When there is an expected result, the parameter values that contribute to the expected result are bolded. The value was not bolded for an "is not" expected result. Now it is.

Raw markup shown when no possible value is displayed for the test

This is no longer shown.

Couldn't delete a value pair in some cases.

Couldn't delete a value pair after certain actions (updating a parameter) until you refreshed. This was resolved.

July 26, 2012
Error during computation

Fixed a regression caused by yesterday's value pair fix.

July 25, 2012
Don't show empty expected results column in tests

Having requirements, even if they didn't have any expected results, would cause the expected results column (all empty in this case) to show up in the create tests tab. It no longer does.

Fixed an issue with value pairs and "any values"

Certain cases where an "any value" has no possible value were being assigned a value that violated a value pair rather than "no possible value".

July 23, 2012
File export in IE 7

File exports (Excel, CSV, zips) in IE 7 only where not completing properly. This is now resolved.

Admin CSV Export

Fixed library dependency.

July 18, 2012
Window scroll bars not always required

Window no longer has scroll bars unless they are needed.

User activation and password reset

More descriptive text to make each step clear. Made field enable/disable states and button labels more clear.

Styling in mixed-strength test display

Fixed some graphical glitches in the test panel when mixed-strength tests are selected.

July 12, 2012
First ever login on IE 7

It would display a JavaScript error on first ever login. This has been addressed.

July 11, 2012
Email content for newly invited users

Email content for newly invited users now more accurately describes who invited them.

Expected results from requirements are now included in the CSV export

Newly included.

Parameter values that fulfill requirements or cause expected results are bolded

In the appropriate UI’s and export files, the parameter values that fulfill requirements or cause expected results are bolded so they can be more easily traced.

Test strength in export dialog now defaults to the strength of the most recently created tests

It’s easy to forget to select the higher strength tests after generating higher strength tests and then exporting. This streamlines that workflow and makes the default more sensible so it less likely to be missed.

June 18, 2012
Removed some import failure scenarios around importing blank values.

Improved how the value of "none" is added to blank parameters on import to avoid some import failure scenarios.

April 24, 2012
Some additional married pairs improperly disallowed in some cases
Incorrect values when commas used as delimiters in numeric range values

This was a pair-wise fault for those keeping track at home.

For users not familiar with using numeric ranges as parameter values, all of these define valid ranges:

1,777 - 2,777,777

Spaces around the dash do no matter. So these are all fine:

1 - 5
1- 5
1 -5

The values for ranges are provided with the pattern: min, max, random, min, max, random, min, ....

For example, a value of "1-5" would use these values in turn in tests where the "1-5" value was used:


Random is defined as between the min and max, inclusive of them.

In the case of floating point ranges, the lesser precision of the min and max is used as the precision of the random.

Example: 1.01 - 5,5555
1.01 (min)
5.5555 (max)
3.14 (random, uses 2 digits of precision, not 4)

For various reasons these DO NOT define valid ranges, and they will just return the string as the value (if you wonder what the reason is for any of them, let us know, and we can let you know):

1,00 - 2,000
1,000 - 2,00
1,000 - a
a - 2,000
1, 000 - 2,000
1,000 - 2, 000
7s7 - 888
777 - 8e8
1,00.01 - 2,000.01
1,000.01 - 2,00.01
1,000.01 - a.01
a.01 - 2,000.01
1, 000.01 - 2,000.01
1,000.01 - 2, 000.01
7s7.01 - 888.01
777.01 - 8e8.01
1.01.01 - 2.01
1.01 - 2.01.01
1.001,001 - 2.01
1.01 - 2.001,001

Negative values are not currently supported in ranges.

Switching the comma and period delimiters in the European style is not currently supported in ranges.

April 17, 2012
Some married pairs improperly disallowed in some cases

Thanks to Funmi for pointing out the issue.

Non-fatal JS errors in IE on various login and password reset screens

These were related to invalid focus requests which IE treats as an error.

April 3, 2012
Indication of "any" parameter value in Excel and HP QC Exports

Parameter values in test cases that can be any value were exported as "any" in Excel and HP QC. In the HP QC and Excel exports they are now exported with the value Hexawise chose for them, and also marked with purple italics (same as in the UI) so you can recognize that these values can be replaced if needed or desired.

Graphical glitch with latest versions of Chrome and the parameter name dropdown

A work around to a prior Chrome glitch rendering the param name editor / selector was made obsolete by a Chrome fix and was now causing issues when entering long parameter names in the lastest releases of Chrome so the work around was removed.

IE 9 table cells off by one

There is a known issue in IE 9's HTML table rendering that can cause some table cells to be off by one column due to white space being treated significantly (it's not). This could be addressed by using "compatibility mode" but we made some changes in some of the HTML rendering to make this unnecessary.

Thanks to Bryan D. for bringing this to our attention.